First Post and Introduction

Well, this is my first blogpost.. I am NOT well inversed in these sorts of things, so I don’t even know how to start this. It would feel weird for me to have my first blogpost not acknowledging it.

I decided to make a blog because I wanted somewhere to put my thoughts without worrying about a character count or something. I don’t know how long I am going to make these things.

I guess an introduction would work. If you know me from twitter or instagram or something, you probably already know these things. As shown by the entrance page of my neocities, my name is Felix, (not my real name, and especially not my birth name). I am an artist, usually making fanart for things I am interested in, but I am going to a trade school for multimedia, and I’m taking an interest in graphic design.

I am autistic. While not professionally diagnosed, I have shown signs of it for all my life and other people close to me said they agreed that I have it. I am incredibly socially awkward and anxious, even online. This has led to me not having many friends for a while, though I have a small friend group now (I wish I could hang out with them more :p).

I know it’s not a lot but I am going to cut it off there. I’ll write more some other time, I just really don’t like talking about myself too much.